According to the Obesity Medicine Association, obesity is defined as ” a chronic, relapsing, multi-factorial, neurobehavioral disease, wherein an increase in body fat promotes adipose tissue dysfunction and abnormal fat mass physical forces, resulting in adverse metabolic, bio-mechanical, and psycho-social health consequences.”
Wow, that’s a mouthful. Let’s unpack that definition one or two words at a time.
First let’s look at “chronic, relapsing.” Our bodies actually fight to defend a higher set point even at the expense of unhealthy weight. We are superb energy conservationists, designed to maintain homeostasis. Our brains can become blind to the satiety hormone leptin that is released from fat cells(mostly because of what we are eating) and then weight loss itself increases the hunger hormone ghrelin that is released from the stomach. Blind to satiety, driven to hunger. That’s a recipe for weight recycling.

Understanding the chronicity of obesity really sheds light on why so many of my patients are able to say without exaggeration, “I have been battling weight my entire life.” Furthermore, anyone who has gone on a diet only to regain the same 10, 20, or even 100 lb testifies to the relapsing nature of the disease. No wonder it’s so hard to lose weight; it’s the very nature of the disease!
With medical treatment for obesity, however, the dysfunctional cycle of weight loss and regain can be broken. After performing a complete history, physical, lab and body composition analysis, an obesity medicine specialist helps you to strategize unique, sustainable lifestyle change which correct the communication between the gut, the brain, and the fat cells. The focus is on small changes in nutrition, activity, sleep, and stress management. Sometimes medications are needed to target metabolic function, hunger and satiety hormones, or cravings. Bariatric surgery can also be a helpful tool.

Understanding the chronic, relapsing nature of obesity helps understand why weight loss and weight loss maintenance may need to be treated differently. At Oregon Weight and Wellness, we have what I call the R3 program to protect against weight regain. We establish a Realistic Goal Weight, a Refocus Weight, and a Reach Out Weight.
Many diets promise enormous amounts of weight loss in just three months. After working with people and truly understanding the chronicity of the disease, my conviction is that we need to work together over time and seasons, ups and downs, through celebrations and hardships, not rushing the process.
This Weigh Different approach builds resilience and helps you maintain your healthy goals. Its a marathon, not a sprint and we are in it with you for the long haul.

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